“Power Hour”
Sunday mornings, 10 AM, Room N-218
Join us for fellowship and great discussion! A fun group that explores different studies together. Our current study is Walter Brueggemann’s “Class Warfare in the Bible.” We will kick off 2025 by moving to the Church Office Conference Room (Room N-218).
“Next” Group for Young Adults/Parents
Sunday mornings, 10 AM, ROOM N-123
This Young Adults/Parents group uses short, theologically informative videos (from the “Animate” series), followed by a time of casual discussion over coffee.
New Member Inquirer’s Class
Sunday morning (periodically), 10:00 AM, meeting space tbd
This is a great chance to learn about and join downtown‘s most welcoming church! Classes will immediately follow the 9 AM worship service, Call the Church Office to see when the next class is scheduled!
“Faith Journey”
Sunday mornings, 9:45 AM, Chapel
Facilitated discussion and sharing based on assigned books that relate to faith development and deeper spirituality. This traditionally formatted class appeals to mature Christians who seek a fuller understanding of the Bible and its implications for our lives, especially filling a need to those who are opened-minded and hunger for contemporary learning. Authors are sometimes controversial theologians and other spiritual writers of note.
Presbyterian Women Circles
Circles are groups of women who meet once a month for Bible study as well as fellowship and missions. There are six circles at First Presbyterian and they all welcome new members.
Each circle meets on a different date, time, and location. CLICK HERE for more information.
Contact: Rachel Bowron, 727-433-0571
Women’s Tuesday Morning Bible Study
A popular community Bible study for women using books from well-known authors such as Beth Moore, Priscilla Shirer, and Lisa Harper. No previous Bible study experience needed. Call the Church Office for up-to-date information about our current study!
Tuesdays 9:00-11:30 AM
Youth Center
Contact: April Hussung, 727-420-1758
Men’s Friday Morning Bible Study
Begin your Friday with friends studying the Word of God. Join us starting September 8; we'll be finishing up I Peter 2 before turning to the book of Hebrews.
Friday, 8:00 AM
Room N-123
Contact: David Goodnight, 727-545-2651
Men’s Friday Lunch Bible Study
Nourish your body as well as your soul by spending your Friday lunch hour in Bible Study and Christian fellowship.
Friday, 12:00 – 1:00 PM
Via Zoom except last Friday of the month, Room N-123
Contact: Rev. John Underwood, 727-498-7596
Small Groups for Men & Women
Christian Meditation
This small group offers a meditative experience for those seeking a deeper understanding of their connection to God. Visitors are always welcome.
Meets 2nd and 4th Tuesday of the month in-person (Chapel), other Tuesdays are virtual, 7:00-8:00 PM
Contact: Carlen Maddux, 727-504-8201
Faith & Fiction Book Club
Members share their thoughts on chosen books often discussing the ethical issues and spiritual themes. New members are always welcome. CLICK HERE for the proposed book list for Fall 2024 through Spring 2025.
Meets on the first Monday of the month, October through April, 4:00-5:30 PM, in Room N-123.
Contact: Linda Santoro, 727-897-9543